Cancer: How Goodland Regional Medical Center & Midwest Cancer Alliance Bring Cutting-edge Treatment to Northwest Kansas
What Is Cancer?
Cancer is the general name of a group of more than 100 diseases in which cells in a part of the body begin to grow out of control. Although there are many kinds of cancer, they all start as a result of abnormal cell growth. Most people have or will be affected by this disease at some point in their lifetime, either themselves directly or through a loved one. Since cancer is so prevalent, people have many questions about its biology, detection, diagnosis, possible causes and strategies for prevention. In the past, many people diagnosed with cancer in Northwest Kansas had to travel hundreds of miles to find answers to these questions. But today, through the Community partnership with Goodland Regional Medical Center, the Midwest Cancer Alliance is making comprehensive cancer treatment available locally. Goodland Regional Medical Center through the Midwest Cancer Alliance can now offer multidisciplinary care for cancer patients with state of the art technology, and increase access to cancer screening and prevention techniques.
Early Detection of Cancer
Early detection for cancer is the best defense; however, the signs and symptoms can often be misleading or non-existent. Paying attention to your body and seeing a physician regularly can increase your chance of detecting cancer early. It is important to be aware of changes you may be experiencing. Some signs and symptoms that you should be aware of include: unexplained weight loss, fever, fatigue, pain, skin changes, change in bowel or bladder function, sores that don't heal, unusual bleeding or discharge, a lump in breast or other parts of the body, indigestion or trouble swallowing, recent changes in a mole or wart, nagging cough or hoarseness. Awareness of any changes like these along with annual screenings like mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears and skin cancer screenings will greatly increase the chances of early detection. Goodland Regional Medical Center with the assistance of the Midwest Cancer Alliance makes available a number of resources to local physicians and patients in an effort to increase the chances of early cancer detection. If care or treatment for cancer is needed those services can be found locally at Goodland Regional Medical Center.
Causes Are Still a Mystery
The exact cause of cancer still remains a mystery today; however, research and studies are helping physicians understand more and more about the causes and potential treatments of cancer. Certain types of cancer are caused by life style choices, and making changes can eliminate your chances of developing certain kinds of cancer. Smoking causes cancers of the lungs, mouth, throat, bladder, kidneys and several other organs, as well as heart disease and stroke. Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in the state of Kansas, and is highly preventable. Drinking large quantities of alcohol has also been shown to increase a person's chance of getting cancer of the mouth, throat, and other organs. Excessive exposure to sunlight without protection can cause skin cancer. In many cases we don't know why certain changes occur in our cells to cause cancer, but the resources provided by the Midwest Cancer Alliance are assisting physicians across Kansas and western Missouri and in Goodland to care for and treat all types of cancer. For many cancer patients that means staying at home to receive care and treatment that was once only available outside of Northwest Kansas.
Can You Prevent Cancer?
What can you do to prevent cancer? Actually, there are many things that we can do to prevent or limit our risks of getting cancer. Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke cause lung cancer. These cancers can be prevented by avoiding tobacco use and staying away from smoking environments.. Your risk of developing lung cancer greatly decreases when someone quits smoking. The risk of skin cancer can be reduced by limiting your exposure to the sun especially during the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. When you are outdoors, be sure to protect yourself by wearing a hat, shirt and sunscreen. Obesity is poised to surpass smoking as the number one cause of cancer in the next ten years. By changing our eating habits, and consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain, we can greatly reduce our risk of developing cancer. A healthy diet will improve your health and may reduce your risk for some cancers and other chronic diseases. Strive for a balanced diet and watch what you eat. Goodland Regional Medical Center working with the Midwest Cancer Alliance can help you determine changes you can make to reduce or eliminate your chances for getting cancer.
Finding a Doctor You Trust is Key
Your relationship with your doctor is a critical part of your healthcare. The physicians at Goodland Regional Medical Center and the Midwest Cancer Alliance are dedicated to your well being. When dealing with a cancer diagnosis, your doctor should be someone with whom you feel comfortable and what better way to feel comfortable than to receive your care and treatment close to home surrounded by your loved ones? Your doctor will explain your diagnosis, health status, treatment options and progress throughout treatment. Nurses working with your doctor who have specialized knowledge and skills in cancer treatment also play an important role in your care. In many cases the nurse can answer your questions directly and help you get the answers you need. The oncology clinic at Goodland Regional Medical Center consists of personal monthly consultations as well as weekly consultations when needed through the tele-medicine services at Goodland Regional Medical Center. Many treatment options are also available and administered in a relaxing and comforting atmosphere. Second opinion options are also available through the Midwest Cancer Alliance network without traveling far from home. Dr. Gary Doolittle, Medical Director of Midwest Cancer Alliance,is a visiting oncologist specialist at Goodland. To make an appointment with Dr. Doolittle please call the Outpatient Clinic at Goodland Regional Medical Center, (785) 890-6030.
Midwest Cancer Alliance
Dr. Gary Doolittle
American Cancer Society