Kansas Rural Health Works
During the first six months of 2005, the Sherman County Health Care Steering Committee met to examine the importance of the health care sector in Sherman County. Their efforts, in coordination with Office of Local Government, K-State Research and Extension, resulted in four reports on health care in Sherman County
The first report, "The Economic Impact of the Health Sector in Sherman County, Kansas," shows the role that the health care sector plays in the local economy. The health care sector represents nine percent of total employment in Sherman County and 14 percent of labor income in Sherman County. The report also explains the ripple effect that comes from a strong health care sector. By buying and selling goods and services to other business, and by their employees taking income and spending it on goods and services in other sectors, health sector entities create additional income and jobs throughout the county's economy.
The second report, "The Sherman County Health Services Directory," is an information resource which contains addresses and contact information for a variety of health services located in Sherman County. It includes information on primary care physicians and hospital services, as well as hotlines and emergency numbers for local, state and national agencies.
The third report summarizes the results of "The Sherman County Health Care Telephone Survey," conducted in late April. The survey gave Sherman County residents a chance to voice their honest opinions about the health care delivery system. Among questions about health insurance and services used, the survey asked participants how they felt Sherman County's health care system could improve. Thirteen percent said the current system is fine, but another 13 percent said the county needs more doctors.
The final report, "Sherman County Data and Information," presents a picture of Sherman County with information about the economy, health and behavior, education, traffic and crime. Copies of the reports are available either from the Goodland Regional Medical Center hospital administrator's office or from the county extension office.
Sherman County Data and Information Report
Sherman County Health Care Telephone Survey
Sherman County Health Services Directory