Laboratory Services
The GRMC laboratory includes a wide variety of testing capabilities carried out by a staff of highly trained and versatile techicians. The staff constantly strives to provide pertinent medical data in a timely, accurate and meaningful manner, to insure the best possible care for all patients.
An active quality assurance program is in effect and evaluated daily. The laboratory also undergoes regular federal laboratory certification surveys. Parameters monitored and evaluated include: specimens, reagents, equipment, procedures, control materials, technical competence and documentation.
We presently participate in the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB) external proficiency review program for Chemistry, Hematology, Diagnostic Immunology, Microscopy and Bacteriology.
Hours of operation for out-patients: 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday & Weekends by prearranged draws only, please call (785) 890-6032.
The laboratory is staffed 24 hours for emergency calls by our medical technologists and medical technicians.