Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy is a health profession specializing in returning people to their jobs and activities following injuries, disease, or physical disability. The goal of occupational therapy, (OT), is to assist patients in reaching their maximum performance and level of functioning, while learning to live within the limits of their capabilities.
Occupational therapy uses physical agent modalities such as splints, adaptive equipment, exercise, and ergonomic instruction to improve function after injuries and illnesses. Occupational therapy patients may have need for services for conditions involving carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, hand injuries, hip replacements, shoulder injuries, back injuries, cerebral palsy, strokes, and other neurological disorders.
For local business firms, GRMC offers occupational therapy consultant services in which the hospital's therapist will visit the firm's worksite and evaluate work functions to determine if any changes need to be made in order to reduce injuries and promotes safety. OT utilizes the science of ergonomics to "fit the job to the worker" by adjusting a workstation, rotating staff between jobs, or using mechanical assists. In this manner, OT's goal is to reduce Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD's) and ultimately eliminate them from the workplace.
At GRMC, occupational therapy services are offered on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Services are provided upon referral of a physician or by contacting the OT department at (785) 890-6026. Occupational therapy treatments are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most other insurance carriers as a recognized form of medical treatment.