Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is a health profession that specializes in treatment and specific training and exercises for physical limitations and musculoskeletal injuries. We offer physical modalities for pain relief, swelling relief, and muscle relaxation; and therapeutic exercises for improving joint mobility, muscle strength, cardio-vascular and muscle endurance, walking ability, and other functional limitations.
Many of our patients receive directed programs for total joint replacements, sports injuries, back and neck injuries, stroke and neurological injuries, balance difficulties, wound care, bladder continence, and weakness and limited self-care from other diseases or surgery.
Physician referral is required for physical therapy services; and treatments are covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance carriers. Our licensed Physical Therapist and Certified Physical Therapist Assistants at GRMC are ready to serve you.
To schedule an appointment, please call our direct line at 785-890-6021. Fax 785-890-6035.